Glaucoma Surgery

Glaucoma centre in Mehta eye clinic is well equipped with state-of-art imaging and diagnostic facilities:

  • Applanation Tonometer: This is one of the most accurate ways to measure the eye pressure.
  • Gonioscope: Used to study the angle between the cornea and iris, in patients suspected or having glaucoma.
  • Computerized Visual Field Analyzer (Automated Perimeter): A computerized instrument used to map the field of vision, managing glaucoma & diagnosis of various neurological conditions.

What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is one of the most important cause of blindness in India, it is characterized by progressive damage to the optic nerve, this nerve acts like an electric cable with over a million wires. It is responsible for carrying images from the eye to the brain. Damage to optic nerve can result in vision loss. The most common cause accepted today is the increased intraocular pressure (IOP).

Glaucoma is a “silent thief” of sight as most of the times patients do not experience any symptoms and are unaware of vision loss till severe damage has occurred. “Early detection and treatment of glaucoma by an ophthalmologist are the keys to preventing optic nerve damage and irreversible blindness”.

(There are 2 major types of glaucoma: PRIMARY and SECONDARY. Open angle and angle closure are the most common forms of the disease.)

  • Family members with glaucoma
  • Age more than 40 years
  • People who has Diabetes
  • Myopia (nearsightedness)
  • Regular, long term steroid / cortisone use
  • A previous history of TRAUMA
  • High blood pressure
  • Thyroid disorders

Being a silent disease, glaucoma has no symptoms in its early stages, and vision remains normal. Patient is usually unaware until the optic nerve is badly damaged. Because of lack of symptoms, the best way to diagnose this form of glaucoma is by detailed and periodic eye examination.

Common Symptoms
  • Headache
  • Eye pain
  • Blurred vision
  • Redness / watering of eyes
  • Coloured halos
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Measurement of intraocular pressure - TONOMETRY
  • Inspect the drainage angle of your eye - GONIOSCOPY
  • Optic nerve imaging – ophthalmoscopy, SD-OCT
  • Evaluate peripheral vision of each eye - PERIMETRY

Aim of the treatment is to prevent further damage.

Modalities of treatment

Surgery: Treatment depends on the stage of the disease at presentation. Appropriate and early treatment can prevent the loss of sight in majority of patients. The aim of treatment is to allow the patient to lead an independent and fully functional lifestyle. Because glaucoma can progress without your knowledge, adjustments to your Glaucoma treatment may be necessary from time to time.

Medical Treatment
  • Glaucoma is usually controlled with eye drops taken daily; they lower the eye pressure either by slowing the formation of aqueous fluid within the eye or by increasing the flow at the drainage area.
  • Maintain proper timing of application suggested by your doctor.
  • Do not change or stop taking your medications without consulting your ophthalmologist.
  • If you are about to run out of your medications, ask your ophthalmologist if you should have your prescriptions refilled.
Laser treatment

Open-angle glaucoma the draining angle itself is enlarged to control eye pressure. Angle-closure glaucoma the laser creates a hole in the iris to open up and improve the flow of aqueous fluid to the drain.

Newer LASER (Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty)

SLT is a Non-invasive Laser Treatment for reducing eye pressure in patients with Glaucoma.


SLT is an advancement over other lasers been used safely and effectively in Glaucoma treatment of open-angle glaucoma.

SLT works by using laser light to stimulate the body’s own healing response to lower your eye pressure. SLT improves the flow of fluid in the eye, which in turn lowers your eye pressure.

Safe: SLT is not associated with systemic side effects or the compliance and cost issues of medications.
Selective: SLT utilizes selective photothermolysis to target only specific cells, leaving the surrounding tissue intact.
Smart: SLT stimulates the body’s natural mechanisms to enhance outflow of the fluid in your eye.

Glaucoma surgery options:

  • ExPRESS Shunt
  • Trabeculectomy
  • Ahmed Valve

ExPRESS SHUNT is a new procedure that appears to be safe and effective at lowering IOP in Glaucoma patients.

  • Latest, more safe and effective method to control the intra-ocular pressure
  • Fast post-operative recovery
  • Better controlled IOP
  • More precise and predictable surgery
  • Lesser Side Effects than Conventional Surgery

Treatment requires a team effort [you and the doctor]. The prescription must never be altered or stopped without consulting your doctor. Frequent eye examinations and tests are critical to monitor your eyes for any change.